Sep 1, 20204 min read
September Athlete of the Month: Alyssa Hoffman
Congratulations, Alyssa! You are our September Athlete of the Month!!! Alyssa has been a part of NoCoast for a little over a year now and...
Jul 31, 20204 min read
August Athlete of the Month: Jason Cerny
Congratulations, Jason! You are our August Athlete of the Month!!! We would like to formally introduce Jason to our NoCoast community as...
Jul 1, 20205 min read
July Athlete of the Month: Nicole Wigston
Congratulations, Nicole! You are the NoCoast Athlete of the Month!! Nicole has been CrossFitting for almost 2 years now and, in that...
May 31, 20206 min read
June Athlete of the Month: Brett Bernstein
Congratulations, Brett! You are our June Athlete of the Month!! Brett has been one of our most consistent morning athletes over the past...
Apr 29, 20207 min read
May Athlete of the Month: Natalya Walsworth
Congratulations Natalya! You are the NoCoast May Athlete of the Month!!! Natalya and her girls have been so consistent with their At Home...
Apr 2, 20204 min read
April Athlete of the Month: Chris Guttormsson
Congratulations, Chris! You are our April Athlete of the Month!!! Chris has been a NoCoaster since the Fall of 2014. His goals are a...
Feb 28, 20205 min read
March Athlete of the Month: Regina Hoskins
Congratulations, Regina! You’re our March Athlete of the Month!! Regina joined her husband, Ryan, 9 months ago at NoCoast and has yet to...
Dec 1, 20197 min read
December Athlete of the Month: Robin Opie
Congratulations, Robin! You’re our December Athlete of the Month!!! Robin has been coming to NoCoast since August of 2017 and in his time...
Oct 28, 20193 min read
November Athlete of the Month: Cat Hanson
Congratulations, Cat! You are our November Athlete of the Month!! Cat started CrossFit at NoCoast only 9 months ago, but in that time she...
Sep 1, 20194 min read
September Athlete of the Month: Heather Hayes
Congratulations Heather, You are the September NoCoast Athlete of the Month! We’d like to officially welcome Heather to the NoCoast...