Black Track - Constantly Varied Strength Program

This week our Black Track Strength program will be transitioning from the Westside Barbell program we’ve been using for the past 3 months to a strength program we’re calling “Constantly Varied.” This strength program will give us a chance to incorporate lifts, such as thrusters, overhead squats, and weighted pull ups (for example) that we don’t commonly see in a traditional strength program.
The Black Track Strength program will continue to follow the same template, meaning we will program “barbell strength” on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and “non barbell strength” on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will also switch Saturdays up from the Monster Mast and take a swing at some of CrossFit's Hero WODs!
Our barbell lifts in these sessions will be different each day, which is the same constantly varied approach we see in CrossFit everyday. Programming lifts will be based on the Class WOD; this simply means that the lift for the day will be chosen from one of the movements already programmed in the WOD.
For example, if the workout is “Fran,” which consist of Thrusters and Pull ups, our strength programming for the day could look something like this...
Thrusters, 7x1
Working weight starts at 70% of your 1RM
Go as heavy as possible
We are also moving our Core Strength away from Tuesdays and Thursdays and adding Sprint Training to those days. Core Strength that was originally on these days will now be accessory work on barbell strength days. Sprint sessions will consist of runs, rows, sleds, and everyone’s favorite, the AirDayne. We all know sprint intervals aren’t fun, but if you’re serious about increasing strength, power, and work capacity these sessions will be the most bang for your buck!
As always, these programs are accessible through our Black Track program and are done outside of our CrossFit classes on your own time and during regular gym hours. You must go through the application process and be a Black Track athlete to access these strength programs.
If you are interested in adding the strength program to your training, email me ( for a Black Track Application; once you have completed the application, we will meet to talk about your goals, nutrition, and training moving forward on the Black Track Program.