The CrossFit Open & NoCoast's In House Competition

The CrossFit Open is upon us and we want to encourage everyone to sign up and compete with us and the hundreds of thousands of CrossFitters around the world. Whether you’re competing to make it to the next stage of the CrossFit Games, comparing yourself to others around the world, or against yourself, the Open is a celebration of fitness and CrossFit that is designed for everyone to enjoy.
This year we will be hosting our second annual In House Open Competition. We will divide our community into 3 different teams - the Morning, Mid-day, and Evening classes. Kendra will be the captain of the Morning crew, Christian will captain Mid-Day, and Heidi has the evening goers! Our captains will be in charge of creating and organizing our teams and encouraging everyone to participate. This is a team competition, so you’re score for each workout will be included into your teams score. We will have multiple versions of the workout to choose from, including Rx’d, scaled, and modified. No matter which version you choose, you can help your team score points!
Whether you sign up for the CrossFit Open or not, we’d love to see everyone at NoCoast participate in our In House comp. Once the Open starts, your captain will be your point of contact with any questions or concerns - they will also be working hard to collect everyone’s scores for Aaron, who has volunteered to keep track of scoring again!
Things you need to know…
The CrossFit Open is a 5 week competition that starts on Thursday, February 22nd and ends on Monday, March 26th. Each Thursday CrossFit HQ will release one workout, that must be completed by the following Monday. If you are interested in signing up for the Open, go to and sign up under our NoCoast CrossFit Affiliate and make sure you’re on our NoCoast CrossFit Team. If you’re new to the Open, you’ll have to create an account to sign up - this is also where you’ll submit your scores to CrossFit HQ each week.
You do not have to sign up for the CrossFit Open to participate in our In House competition. All you have to do is sign up for a team; talk to our captains or coaches to get signed up.
We will be using the CrossFit Open workout as our Friday WOD during the 5 weeks of the Open. This is your best opportunity to complete the Open workout, but if for some reason you can not make it into the gym for a Friday Open workout, make sure you talk to your captain or a coach to get it done before 6pm on Monday (the time all scores need to be submitted for CrossFit HQ).
On Friday, February 23rd we will be hosting Friday Night Fights to kick off the Open Season and celebrate health and fitness with our community of friends. We will have classes throughout the day, but encourage everyone to come to this community event. We will supply drinks and snacks. ** We will not be running regular classes this night - heats will start at 5pm and we will go as long as needed to get everyone through the workout.
On Saturday, March 24th we will have the final Open workout and a BBQ to celebrate the end of the Open, our 5 year anniversary, and the Grand Opening of our new space. This will be a big day for us with a lot to celebrate!
Welcome to the 2018 Open Season, a new space and a New Year! We are excited to kick start all this together!!