February Athlete of the Month: Jess Ororati

Congratulations, Jess! You are our February Athlete of the Month!!!
Jess has been with us at NoCoast for almost a year now and with the past few months has really hit her stride. Coming from a place where she had become pre-diabetic, Jess has completely turned her health around and has become such a great role model within our community. Her dedication to the gym is apparent, but what you don’t see is how hard she works away from the gym on her nutrition and recovery. We are so proud of the progress Jess has made and couldn’t imagine NoCoast without her!
Quotes from Jess:
“A few years ago, I fell into the pre-diabetic range, which was a huge red flag for me. I knew I had to turn things around. I started on my fitness journey almost immediately after which eventually led me here. At my last check up, My A1C was not only vastly better than last year but out of the pre-diabetic range. That’s huge! There were a lot of factors that contributed to that success over my fitness journey but I believe CrossFit has had a large impact. The focus on everything from nutrition to exercise has been crucial.
“I’ve been so impressed from the results I’ve had with the zone diet. I knew it would make a difference but I didn’t realize how much. I’m stronger, faster and feeling better than I ever have. Truly, I’ve made leaps and bounds on my progress this month. I can’t wait to see where it takes me over the course of the year. It’s incredible what a difference nutrition can make. It truly is the foundation for everything.”
27/145 lbs.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I’ve always been into sports and outdoor activities. I played Softball and ran Cross Country in my school years. Today, I’m a really avid backcountry skier and love going out with family and friends. I’ve always loved group sports because I’m very competitive plus the comradery you build is unmatched. That’s something that I’ve found here in this community as well. I love that NoCoast feels like a team and everyone is motivating each other.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Just under a year (April 2018)
How did you get into CrossFit?
I used to workout at a corporate wellness gym where Coach Heidi coached. A couple of the coaches there trained and coached at CrossFit gyms and modeled classes in a similar way to how we do WODs. I LOVED these classes but was too scared to try CrossFit. I thought you needed to be a really fit athlete to do CrossFit and was too intimidated to come in. Over time Coach Heidi built my confidence and convinced me to come in and try a WOD. I immediately fell in love with both the format and the community and never looked back. My only regret is that I let my preconceptions keep me from the gym for so long!
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
I love toes to bar! Easily my favorite! I recently figured out the toes to bar kip and love using it in WODs.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Wall balls! 🤮
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
It’s hard to choose just one. I’ve had so many aha moments at the gym. The “firsts” obviously stand out (First strict pull up, first time up the rope, first DU) but I think it all kind of rolls up into my favorite thing about CrossFit which is learning how strong you can be over and over. Every time I perceive a limit and push through it, I’m reminded of how far I’ve come and how much further I can go.
How has our recent Performance Challenge changed how you train, eat, and recover?
I entered the performance challenge expecting my biggest take away to be nutrition related. While I am ecstatic about the nutrition piece and feel like it’s really turned somethings around for me, the focus on mobility/recovery has been HUGE for me. Even just 15 minutes a day is an effective way to tune into your body’s needs. I can actually feel the difference when I take 15 minutes to foam roll and when I don’t. I feel like I’m listening a little better when my body tells me to chill out as well.
What have you found to be your biggest success from the Challenge?
I think my biggest success has just been sticking with it. I had some hurdles this month from some pretty serious life changes to something as silly as my dishwasher breaking the first weekend of the challenge. In the past, that’s been enough to knock me off track or make me consider a cheat day (or week!). Just recognizing that eating/drinking has been a coping mechanism I’ve used in the past has helped me face it and redirect it. Now, it’s just not even a question. I love how balancing my nutrition makes me feel and I don’t want to compromise that.
How does nutrition specifically play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I’ve been so impressed from the results I’ve had with the zone diet. I knew it would make a difference but I didn’t realize how much. I’m stronger, faster and feeling better than I ever have. Truly, I’ve made leaps and bounds on my progress this month. I can’t wait to see where it takes me over the course of the year. It’s incredible what a difference nutrition can make. It truly is the foundation for everything.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
A few years ago, I fell into the pre-diabetic range, which was a huge red flag for me. I knew I had to turn things around. I started on my fitness journey almost immediately after which eventually led me here. At my last check up, My A1C was not only vastly better than last year but out of the pre-diabetic range. That’s huge! There were a lot of factors that contributed to that success over my fitness journey but I believe CrossFit has had a large impact. The focus on everything from nutrition to exercise has been crucial.
How has CrossFit changed your family?
Crossfit has become a family affair. I’ve gotten both my brother and husband into it and I’m always trying to convince friends to try it out! It’s been such a positive thing in my life that it’s hard not to share.
Advice to new people:
Just show up! It’s easy to look at programmed movements that you struggle with and decide to skip... don’t! The only way to get better is to show up and try. Even on your worst day, you are better off for being here. Who knows, one day you may show up for something that looks impossible and you just might surprise yourself. You are stronger than you think you are stronger than you think you are!