May Athlete of the Month: Nick Wigston

Congratulations Nick, you’re our May Athlete of the Month!
Nick started CrossFit at NoCoast a year and a half ago hoping it would help him get a little stronger to compete in whitewater kayaking, backcountry skiing, and mountain biking. Not only has Nick’s hard work paid off, but he’s found a new passion inside the gym with Olympic weightlifting and gymnastics movements. Nick’s dedication and consistency with nutrition and fitness has made him a stronger, more well balanced athlete. We are proud of all that you have already accomplished and are looking forward to all the progress that lies ahead!
Quotes from Nick:
“Oly Class has helped me tremendously with the form on the Oly lifts. It’s good to be able to spend the time focusing on the technique without the intensity. Gymnastics has been awesome too. The progressions we work on are great and have led to better pull ups, handstands, and I just got my first ring muscle up. I feel like the time spent working on those movements got me to be able to do those.”
“I have always been fit, but I have never gained this much Fitness in a year and a half in all my life. I feel better and stronger than I did when I was at peak physical condition at age 17. I have more energy and I am always stoked to workout, where it used to feel more like a chore. What’s most important is when I get out to do the sports I love, I feel strong and on my game so I am safer and have more fun.”
37/ 175lbs.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
My passions are whitewater kayaking, backcountry skiing, and mountain biking. I played soccer growing up but outdoor Sports were always what excited me most. I also enjoy trail running and hiking and backpacking.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Regularly for a year and a half. I went to several different Crossfit gyms randomly for about a year before that. But it’s really since winter 2017 that I joined NoCoast and got hooked.
How did you get into CrossFit?
I was visiting my parents in Florida, and wanted to get out of the house and get a workout in. I had heard about Crossfit, but didn’t really know what it was all about. I looked up the local Crossfit Gym and called them about doing a drop in. I went three times on that trip and was so sore. It was great.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Favorite WOD would be ones where we run 400 meters then do a barbell lift along with pull-ups or toes to bar. Favorite movement is the Snatch because the technique is still challenging me every time. It frustrates me, but I love the mental challenge. I’m also really loving the gymnastics movements.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
First bar muscle up. I was just practicing my Kip, and decided to try it. I was so surprised when I found myself above the bar.
How has our Oly and Gymnastics specialty classes helped your development in the gym?
Oly Class has helped me tremendously with the form on the Oly lifts. It’s good to be able to spend the time focusing on the technique without the intensity. Gymnastics has been awesome too. The progressions we work on are great and have led to better pull ups, handstands, and I just got my first ring muscle up. I feel like the time spent working on those movements got me to be able to do those.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I have learned a lot about nutrition with the nutrition challenges. I learned how to recognize the difference in how I feel when I’m being regimented with my nutrition and when I fall off the wagon. I can feel the difference in my performance in all of my sports when I’m eating right. And when I’m not feeling great, I know what to do to dial it back in.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I have always been fit, but I have never gained this much Fitness in a year and a half in all my life. I feel better and stronger than I did when I was at peak physical condition at age 17. I have more energy and I am always stoked to workout, where it used to feel more like a chore. What’s most important is when I get out to do the sports I love, I feel strong and on my game so I am safer and have more fun.
How has CrossFit changed your family?
Since my wife Nicole started it has become more of a topic of conversation at home. Our kids are more interested in fitness and they pay attention to the foods they eat. They read ingredients and are aware of sugar consumption and the balance of meats and vegetables. We try not to make them stress about it, but when they see us being careful and aware of our food and fitness choices, it rubs off on them. My 11 year old daughter and I do a plank before bed every night!
Advice to new people:
Try not to get frustrated with the movements. They are difficult and will continue to be challenging for a long time. Keep working at them and never hesitate for a second to ask a coach or a more experienced athlete to watch and help you. They are always there for us and they want us to ask for help.
Also there is never ever shame in modifying the WODs. They are designed to meet you where you are in your current fitness and skill level. You will gradually start modifying less and less over time.