June Athlete of the Month: Frank Chavez

Congratulations, Frank! You are our June Athlete of the Month!!!
Frank has been at NoCoast for two and a half years. Since he's joined us, Frank has dealt with a shoulder issue that's limited him from a lot of overhead work within our program. But his determination and willingness to work with our coaches and modify or change workouts when necessary has allowed him to become one of the strongest athletes at NoCoast. Frank's hard work and dedication to the program, both through nutrition and in the gym has been utterly impressive. Even leading up to his shoulder replacement surgery last month, Frank was in the gym every day getting as fit as possible to go under the knife - this is one of the most impressive things about Frank, as we know so many of us would have thrown in the towel long ago!
We're happy to report that Frank's surgery went well and he's working hard at his physical therapy. We're sure we'll see him back in the gym in no time lifting lots of weight overhead with his new bionic shoulder!
Quotes from Frank…
“For me, CrossFit is certainly about fitness, but that fitness is defined as physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as cheesy as that is. The physical part goes without saying - if you do the work consistently, results will come. Mentally, I use CrossFit as a way to decompress from the stresses of life by focusing on the workout or the challenge sitting in front of me. Emotionally, there are many days where frustration, annoyance, etc. pop in for whatever reason, and the positive vibe and common goals that we have for being in the gym serves as a way to help me recenter myself. Really, CrossFit has helped me stay focused while taking care of myself, and that has an impact on my work and personal life in a very positive way.”
“Obesity and high triglycerides run in my family, and in my mid-twenties, despite being physically fit, my blood work was starting to go awry. That was right as I started CrossFit. I learned about what seemed to be a fad nutrition plan at the time based on the paleo philosophies and jumped in head first to see weight that I didn't think I had to lose go away and my blood numbers improve so much that my physician had to take me off medication as a result of my cholesterol getting too low. Only since starting with NoCoast have I realized how big nutrition's role is truly after participating in a number of nutrition challenges. Now, I'm macro-focused most of the time and have realized good progress in the gym and improved mental focus...and it's almost become second nature.”
5'10" / 181 lbs.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I grew up playing soccer but switched to swimming when I was 11 years old. I competed regionally in Southern California regularly and was fortunate enough to compete nationally before college. After starting to have shoulder issues post-college, I began competing in the triathlon scene in San Diego as a way to stay in shape and find a community. I had good luck there with the help of several training partners and gained a few sponsors before jumping into CrossFit.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
I started CrossFitting in 2011 and continued for 3 years before taking a break to jump back to triathlon in the middle of business school. When Julia and I moved to Colorado, I started back up in 2016, joining NoCoast shortly afterward.
How did you get into CrossFit?
The stars aligned between being bored with endurance sports, a Groupon, and Julia and I looking for a gym to join together. We enjoyed it a ton, and I kept going!
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
When I'm able to make it to a gym, any combination of deadlifts, squats, and biking, running, or rowing is awesome. I enjoy the workouts that combine strength and cardio fitness. They become more of a battle of mental strength to get through them. Being on the road frequently for work though, I do a lot of dumbbell and bodyweight work - things I used to hate but enjoy quite a bit now.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Overhead squats but mostly because I've never been able to do one completely. Of the things I do regularly, wall balls are the one movement that give me pause when I see workouts.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
Walking into my first black track session on a Saturday morning and struggling to keep up with folks like Dan, Ryan, Sam, and Beth! Talk about a humbling experience! In all seriousness, there isn't one moment that stands out. It's a combination of the different experiences I've gained and how they've played a role in improving me overall.
With your shoulder limitations, how have you been able to effectively navigate the CrossFit program?
There are so many creative ways to modify workouts to keep them interesting, impactful, and fun. It's really been a matter of acknowledging the fact that I'm unable to do certain things with my shoulder, being candid and open with knowledgeable coaches like the ones we have at NoCoast, and making it happen. I'd be lying if I said there were days I didn't want to come in because I couldn't do the workout as prescribed, so I've had to be good at eating my ego more often than not, and looking at the bigger picture - staying in decent shape, connecting with the community, and having fun.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
Significantly. For me, CrossFit is certainly about fitness, but that fitness is defined as physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as cheesy as that is. The physical part goes without saying - if you do the work consistently, results will come. Mentally, I use CrossFit as a way to decompress from the stresses of life by focusing on the workout or the challenge sitting in front of me. Emotionally, there are many days where frustration, annoyance, etc. pop in for whatever reason, and the positive vibe and common goals that we have for being in the gym serves as a way to help me recenter myself. Really, CrossFit has helped me stay focused while taking care of myself, and that has an impact on my work and personal life in a very positive way.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
Enormously. Obesity and high triglycerides run in my family, and in my mid-twenties, despite being physically fit, my blood work was starting to go awry. That was right as I started CrossFit. I learned about what seemed to be a fad nutrition plan at the time based on the paleo philosophies and jumped in head first to see weight that I didn't think I had to lose go away and my blood numbers improve so much that my physician had to take me off medication as a result of my cholesterol getting too low. Only since starting with NoCoast have I realized how big nutrition's role is truly after participating in a number of nutrition challenges. Now, I'm macro-focused most of the time and have realized good progress in the gym and improved mental focus...and it's almost become second nature.
How has CrossFit changed your family?
Julia and I started doing CrossFit together and found that we were simply more grounded when we went consistently. Looking back, I can honestly say that CrossFit has played a role in making me more humble, strategic (you have to pick how you're going to hit a WOD otherwise, well...we've all experienced the aftermath:), and relaxed about things.
Advice to new people:
Don't be afraid to ask for help, and be ready to take incremental steps. You will make progress, but don't forget to enjoy the process!