March Athlete of the Month: Regina Hoskins

Congratulations, Regina! You’re our March Athlete of the Month!!
Regina joined her husband, Ryan, 9 months ago at NoCoast and has yet to look back! She was already an active and busy working mom, but we have seen her make tremendous strides since being with us! She has gotten stronger, fitter, and way more confident with each week and month! In fact, she was the recent winner of our Clean Nutrition Challenge in the New Year! She was perfect through the challenge and her results matched her efforts. We absolutely love seeing couples commit to doing this together and Ryan and Regina are a couple we can all look up to! They make time for each other, themselves, and still prioritize and focus on their daughters/family time! We are so incredibly happy Regina finally decided to join Ryan and are equally as grateful for their dedication to health, fitness and NoCoast! We are excited to see what the next 9 months does for her!
Quotes from Regina:
“I participated in this year's nutrition challenge and our daughters also helped a lot with reading labels, prepping food, trying new recipes, and encouraging us along the way. I have taught middle school for 24 years and know that many teen girls struggle with body image and eating disorders. So I also valued the experience as another opportunity for us to talk with our daughters about eating healthy to fuel our bodies.”
“I feel strong. I no longer have aches and pains on a daily basis and I'm sure it's because I'm getting stronger with the variety of movements. I do not handle stress very well and I have found that exercise is super helpful for me. In fact, if I don't get workouts in regularly, like several times a week, I'm pretty cranky. As I have gotten older, I have learned to get over the guilt of taking time to do something for myself because I know it's important for my overall wellness.”
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
I participated in a few sports in middle school, but the only one I really enjoyed and stuck with through high school, college intramurals, and still today is volleyball.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Since June 2019 (roughly 9 months)
How did you get into CrossFit?
My husband, Ryan, had been going to NoCoast for about 3 years and on one particular Saturday, last May was trying to get one of our daughters to go with him. I had been working out for years at home, looked at the WOD and thought I could do it without dying, so I told my daughter that if she went, I would go too. She quickly agreed and then the three of us did a Saturday workout together. One day the following week, Ryan came home and said, "I signed you up for CrossFit." I responded with, "What!?!" He said, "It's just a 3-month contract, so try it. I think you'll like it." Since I'm not one to waste money, I started going immediately and here I am nine months later still at it.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
I like Fight Gone Bad which was the first WOD I did with Ryan and our daughter. Honestly, I appreciate a workout that includes a rest in it, even if it's only for a minute. I kind of also like Chippers despite the fact that they are particularly challenging for me. I just keep chipping away at the number of reps and feel accomplished when it's over.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Anything with the bike. Ryan tells me I struggle with it because I don't adjust the seat correctly. But I think I hate it because I have PTSD from a cashout on that thing that I agreed to do with Sam when I was fairly new to Crossfit. Big mistake! Running is probably a close second.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
My most memorable moment happened when I had to start coming to the 4:30 class on Tuesdays because of working around driving one of our kids to their sports practice. It was a full class and when I walked in I was immediately intimidated by the group of people in the class. It was a different crowd than I was used to and they were serious athletes that could do a lot more than I could. I wasn't having a great day already and didn't feel like going at all but I dragged myself there because I knew I needed a workout. Rope climbs were a part of the WOD and I had never done them. During warm-ups, everyone did their rope climbs easily, while I seriously thought about leaving. I sheepishly asked Ian for help but said I didn't want to make everyone wait on me just to learn how to do a rope pull-up. He told me not to worry, and he took the time to show me. He was patient and helped me figure out my footing around the rope to be able to do pull-ups. We did the workout and I was so grateful that he took the time to help me so I could be successful and complete the workout even if I couldn't do what the rest of the class was doing. Thank you, Ian!
What was your experience with our nutrition challenge and how does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I participated in this year's nutrition challenge and joined Ryan in doing it last year as well even though I was not doing Crossfit at the time. Both times, I had good results in that I dropped some weight, but more importantly, I felt so much better. I think one of the things this year I tried to really focus on was getting more sleep in addition to eating better. I did more Crossfit workouts throughout the challenge and quickly discovered that sleep and eating healthy made a huge difference in being able to do intense workouts 5-6 times a week. I wouldn't say eating better makes the workouts easier, but I clearly notice a difference in how I feel and how I perform when I am eating well. Both times we did the Whole 30 challenge I found it was much more manageable doing it with Ryan. Our daughters also helped a lot with reading labels, prepping food, trying new recipes, and encouraging us along the way. I have taught middle school for 24 years and know that many teen girls struggle with body image and eating disorders. So I also valued the experience as another opportunity for us to talk with our daughters about eating healthy to fuel our bodies.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
I feel strong. I no longer have aches and pains on a daily basis and I'm sure it's because I'm getting stronger with the variety of movements. I do not handle stress very well and I have found that exercise is super helpful for me. In fact, if I don't get workouts in regularly, like several times a week, I'm pretty cranky. As I have gotten older, I have learned to get over the guilt of taking time to do something for myself because I know it's important for my overall wellness.
How has CrossFit changed your family?
CrossFit has helped us get stronger, stay active, and make better choices with food. I also think it's good for our kids to see Ryan and I make time to do this together to better ourselves.
Advice to new people:
I could probably use some advice rather than give it, but when I'm going through a Crossfit WOD, I just tell myself to keep moving.