Rules and Procedures, COVID-19 Reopening - Phase 1

NoCoast CrossFit Rules & Procedures
COVID-19 Reopening - Phase I
As we enter this first phase of reopening, we have set some stringent rules and procedures that must be followed in order to attend “In Gym” NoCoast workouts. In Phase I of our reopening, our top priority is to keep you safe. We realize that everyone’s view of this virus is different and we want to support you wherever you’re at. In order for our reopening to work, everyone must be on board and respect each other’s space and perspective on the Coronavirus.
I) Class Schedule & Gym Procedures
All members must sign up for a Personal Training session in MindBody before coming to the gym. During Phase I, members can only sign up for one session per day. We recommend that you sign up for Personal Training sessions in advance to secure your spot; this will also allow us to adjust/add sessions when necessary.
Members will have a 5 minute window before and after their one hour session to be at the gym. This is necessary to minimize the number of people in the gym at once and allow our coaches to properly clean and disinfect commonly touched areas. We realize this puts a damper on the social aspect of what makes NoCoast great, but our main priority during this time is to keep you and our Coaches safe and comfortable at the gym.
All sessions will have a minimum of 15 minutes between them. This gives 5 minutes for athletes to leave the gym, 5 minutes for our Coach to disinfect commonly touched areas and spot mop, and 5 minutes for our next session of athletes to enter the gym.
Upon entering, a coach will take your temperature using a laser thermometer (CDC/State guidelines recommend you need to be under 100.4 degrees F in order to enter our space). Our Coach will be wearing a face mask at this time, we ask that you please wear one as well.
After clearing our temperature check, you will be guided directly to the lobby sink to wash and sanitize your hands.
During Phase I, we will not be able to have kids at the gym. This will be reexamined as we move into future Phases and new recommendations come out from the CDC and State Health Department.
II) Spacing & Capacity Limitations
Once you enter the gym please take all of your personal belongings to your personal taped off workout area (each Workout Zone will be supplied with a rower, foam roller, bands, equipment needed for the day, and sanitizing supplies).
Workout Zones are separated by a taped line. You will have more than enough space to maintain a minimum of 6 foot spacing from other athletes. Please respect their space and each other by keeping a minimum of 6 foot spacing from one another.
During your session, we need you to stay in your personal Workout Zone unless a coach asks you to get equipment, go for a run, etc. and you can obviously use the restrooms when needed.
Each Workout Zone will be approximately 300 square feet (30’ x 10’).
Every session will be capped at four athletes + one Coach during Phase I in order to maintain the State requirements.
III) Sanitizing & Disinfecting
Every workout space will be equipped with its own set of cleaning supplies. You are welcome to disinfect your equipment before using it.
You will be required to disinfect everything you touch after your workout, as well as wash your hands.
Coaches will disinfect commonly touched areas after every session; this includes in the bathrooms and lobbies.
We have hired a professional cleaning company to come in and do deep cleans on a weekly basis. We will still have other cleaners cleaning bathrooms, lobby, equipment, etc throughout the week on top of what you and our coaches will be doing. We will be hyper aware and diligent in keeping NoCoast clean and safe!
IV) Member Considerations
We realize that some of you will not be comfortable coming back to the gym at this time and that is completely fine. We want to continue to support you and your health and fitness efforts no matter where you're at. We will continue to post At Home WODs, as well as offer four daily Live Zoom Classes starting Monday, May 4th and continuing throughout Phase I. These classes will be offered at the following times: Monday through Friday at 5:30am, 9:15am, 12:00pm, and 5:15pm. Saturdays at 9:15am.
Members (and coaches) will be required to stay at home if they show any signs or symptoms of being sick.
Members will be contacted immediately if it becomes known that a member or coach has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you are in the high risk category, we recommend that you take extra precautions and utilize our live Zoom workouts, but that is, of course, a personal choice that everyone is willing to take on their own accord.
We will not be sharing chalk during Phase I of reopening. We will break what chalk we have remaining at the gym up into ziplock baggies and distribute on a first come, first serve basis; these will be yours to keep and you will be responsible for taking it home and bringing it back to the gym with you.
We have also ordered more traditional chalk, as well as an 80% alcohol Liquid Chalk from Friction Labs - a local company. They have engineered a chalk using the WHO and CDC guidelines for health safety. We will be selling this product for $15.00 (25% off) and will order more as needed. This will be a great option for having your own personal container of chalk as well and will last a long time with only one person using it.
V) Coaching & Programming Considerations
Coaches will be doing their best to manage and coach their sessions under these Phase I guidelines. Please be patient and understanding as they adapt to these new circumstances. Coaches will lead workouts from a safe space in the middle of the gym where all athletes (including Zoom athletes) can see and hear them.
Coaches will continue to move throughout the gym during warm up, movement prep, and the workout to see, teach, correct, and encourage athletes. Coaches will maintain six foot spacing at all times.
Movements and workouts that require spotting and shared equipment will not be programmed during Phase I.
Programming will include 1-2 parts that are designed to fit into our one hour time slot.
Extra work, including Black Track and personal skill development will be done at home during Phase I. Black Track work will continue to focus on Gymnastics Strength and will be posted on Beyond the Whiteboard.
We want to thank you ahead of time for helping us regulate these changes. We understand that this will be different than what we have been used to in the past - we hope a little bit of sacrifice will be well worth it to get back into the gym! We are looking forward to the day we can return to our true normal, but for now, we are just grateful to be getting back in the gym at all!
Please realize that everyone's comfort level with this virus is different. Respecting each other's space must be a priority for everyone in order for our reopening to work.
Thank you, NoCoasters, for your continued encouragement, support, and commitment to our community. We love you!
Sam, Dan, and our NoCoast coaching staff