July Athlete of the Month: Michelle Blagg

Congratulations Michelle, you are the NoCoast athlete of the Month!
Michelle has been with us at NoCoast for almost 3 years. In that time, she has been making considerable progress in her health and fitness by hitting the workout of the day consistently and joining in on our nutrition challenges. Over the past 6-7 months Michelle has added 1 on 1 coaching sessions with Coach Dan to rehab and strengthen her back; the work she has put in has allowed her to dramatically improve her back pain and has made her feel better in her daily life. In addition, Michelle brings a smile with her to every class and pours her heart into everyone she runs into at the gym. She is a valued member of our community and each class she enters!
We appreciate Michelle and her commitment to our community. Thank you!
Quotes from Michelle:
“Thanks to CrossFit, NoCoast athletes, Dan and Sam, I am in better shape today than ever before. I think the biggest win is putting everything together, the WOD’s, Strength, nutrition, sleep, recovery, community…Feeling your best! I also enjoy being able to keep up with our grown kids during hikes, outdoor activities, vacations, etc.”
“I started personal coaching with Dan at the beginning of this year. My lower back pain was at its worst. I was going to the doctor and getting cupping/needling, etc. I would get some relief but only for a number of days. Jen mentioned her sessions with Dan were really improving/strengthening her back so I decided to sign up. (I was a bit scared!) I wish I would have started earlier, I went from the pain being between 8-10 most days to 0-5 currently (on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst) And now, when there is pain it’s usually because I didn’t do my homework exercises! In addition, I feel stronger during the daily WOD’s. I am so grateful to Dan and all his weekend research for new and improved exercises to help strengthen my core, back and hips. I highly recommend Dan for personal coaching, don’t put it off, you will love the results!”
Age: 56
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
My athletics growing up included dance, cheerleading, and gymnastics. Fun fact, I was also a 3rd Degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
I have been CrossFitting for over 8 years.
How did you get into CrossFit?
I hit a plateau with my other workouts/gym and was looking for something new. The owner of Pennington CrossFit in New Jersey is a close friend and invited me to a class. I signed up the next day!
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? My favorite CrossFit moves are pull ups and/or power cleans (and the 10:30 class socialization.)
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
My least favorite CrossFit movement has to be thrusters/front squat. (Maybe burpees??)
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
I think, for me, the memorable moments were getting my first pull up, rope climb, double under, PR, etc. Also as exciting is watching others in the gym get there first or succeed at something new, it’s so exciting.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
I did not know how much nutrition affected my fitness and recovery until I started the healthy challenges Sam and Dan offer every 6 months or so. I feel so much better and stronger when I’m eating healthy, getting sleep and taking care of myself. I’ve given up most sugar, pop, wine and processed foods. Still love chocolate!
How has Personal Coaching improved your overall wellness?
I started personal coaching with Dan at the beginning of this year. My lower back pain was at its worst. I was going to the doctor and getting cupping/needling, etc. I would get some relief but only for a number of days. Jen mentioned her sessions with Dan were really improving/strengthening her back so I decided to sign up. (I was a bit scared!) I wish I would have started earlier, I went from the pain being between 8-10 most days to 0-5 currently (on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worse) And now, when there is pain it’s usually because I didn’t do my homework exercises! In addition, I feel stronger during the daily WOD’s. I am so grateful to Dan and all his weekend research for new and improved exercises to help strengthen my core, back and hips. I highly recommend Dan for personal coaching, don’t put it off, you will love the results!
How has CrossFit improved your fitness?
Thanks to CrossFit, NoCoast athletes, Dan and Sam, I am in better shape today than ever before. I think the biggest win is putting everything together, the WOD’s, Strength, nutrition, sleep, recovery, community…Feeling your best! I also enjoy being able to keep up with our grown kids during hikes, outdoor activities, vacations, etc.
Advice to new people:
Have fun, join the health challenges, do what you can do, modify when needed, ask anyone for advice. Remember everyone started new and has been in your shoes. The NoCoast community, Dan and Sam are the best to work with, use the resources!!