March Athlete of the Month: Daniela Carvalo

Congratulations Daniela, you are our March Athlete of the Month!
Daniela has been a part of our mid-day, 10am group, for a while now. This class has formed a tightknit bond and is a great example of what our NoCoast community is all about. Not only is this group socially there for each other on a daily basis, but they’ve supported each other through their highs and lows inside and outside of class! This is a piece of what makes NoCoast so incredibly special!
We are so proud of Daniela’s dedication to the gym and we love how hard she works every day. Her strength, fitness, and confidence has grown so much in her time at NoCoast. We are thankful for her and Cesar’s support and love - thank you, Daniela!
Quotes from Daniela:
“Thanks to CrossFit, today I do things that I never imagined doing. It has made me braver, CrossFit is my English school, and it has taught me to value time.”
“Don't let yourself be defeated in the first month of attending classes, nothing in life is easy, CrossFit prepares you for life and a workout only lasts minutes.”
Age: 40 years
How long have you been CrossFitting?
2 years
How did you get into CrossFit?
I saw a CrossFit documentary and it was love at first sight.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?
Everyone knows the answer.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
In the old gym when I did my first 20 inch box jumps, the truth is I have had several!
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?
Eating a Vegan diet has been one of the best decisions in my life, not eating animals has made me more compassionate, it makes me healthier physically and mentally, and it is not at all difficult as some people believe.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?
Thanks to CrossFit, today I do things that I never imagined doing. It has made me braver, CrossFit is my English school, and it has taught me to value time.
How has CrossFit changed your family?
My son knows who Tia Toomey is but he doesn't know who Cristiano Ronaldo is
Advice to new people:
Don't let yourself be defeated in the first month of attending classes, nothing in life is easy, CrossFit prepares you for life and a workout only lasts minutes