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March Athlete of the Month: Sarah Williamson

Congratulations, Sarah! You are the NoCoast Athlete of the Month!!!

Sarah has been a NoCoaster since 2018 and in that time has become a big part of our amazing ladies community and has helped drive a culture of strong beautiful women at NoCoast. Sarah has also pushed herself outside of her comfort zone by participating in CrossFit competitions, the Frisco Triathlon, and the Mountain Meltdown over the past few years. We have been so impressed with her consistency and how hard she’s been working to start 2021. Sarah did a great job on the New Year's nutrition challenge and her results are showing that hard work pays off! We appreciate her dedication to NoCoast and our community.

Quotes from Sarah:

“Nutrition is so important to my overall health. When I eat clean, I feel and look my best. When I eat like shit, I feel like shit. Also, I sleep way better when I cut out sugar and alcohol and great sleep equals great recovery.”

“Crossfit has taught me that our bodies can be pushed way past our comfort zones. It has made me stronger physically and mentally. I love that I can run a 5K, tackle a hard hike or compete in a competition like the Mountain Meltdown and not have to do additional training to prepare. Crossfit has also brought so much happiness to my life from all of the amazing friendships I've gained over the past 9 years.”


38/118 lbs.

Athletic History:

Zero, haha. I didn't play any sports in high school and didn't start working out until I was 21 years old. Once I started working out on a daily basis and seeing/feeling all of the benefits, I never quit. I worked out at a normal gym, lifting weights and doing basic cardio 5 days per week all through my 20's.

How long have you been CrossFitting:

9 years

How did you get into CrossFit:

I had a friend tell me about CrossFit and thought I'd give it a try for something new and challenging. Wow, was it challenging! Pretty much every move was new to me. I whined and complained way more than I do now and had a case of the "I can’ts". I learned that actually, I can. All movements were scalable, learnable and you don't actually die trying. I competed in my first competition after 1 year of CrossFit and learned I really enjoy the competitive aspect too.

What is your favorite WOD/movement:

Any WOD with handstand push ups or light snatch.

What is your least favorite WOD/movement:

Any WOD with the air bike or thrusters.

What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?

Competing in a 6 person, 3 day competition. It was a long weekend, lots of training leading up to it and all worth it!

How has our NoCoast Nutrition Challenge changed your approach to nutrition?

I realized I eat a lot of carb and fat heavy snacks without enough protein and I wasn't eating enough of the right foods. Eating Zone balanced meals and snacks kept me energized and satisfied throughout the day and I definitely felt less sore throughout the week. Cutting alcohol out for 30 days was really good for me too. I've definitely cutback on my drinking since the Challenge and plan to continue to limit drinks and eating out. Whether you do Whole 30 or a macro style program, it's not calories in, calories out. It's about what you are putting in your body to fuel it and the quality of the food.

How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?

Nutrition is so important to my overall health. When I eat clean, I feel and look my best. When I eat like shit, I feel like shit. Also, I sleep way better when I cut out sugar and alcohol and great sleep equals great recovery.

How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?

CrossFit has taught me that our bodies can be pushed way past our comfort zones. It has made me stronger physically and mentally. I love that I can run a 5K, tackle a hard hike or compete in a competition like the Mountain Meltdown and not have to do additional training to prepare. CrossFit has also brought so much happiness to my life from all of the amazing friendships I've gained over the past 9 years.

Advice to new people:

I was intimidated when I started CF and I wanted to quit multiple times, because I was comparing myself to others. I've learned you have to be competitive with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. I personally concentrate on body weight movements and gymnastic skills and have found lifting heavy isn't really my jam. To each their own! After 9 years of CF, I still haven't mastered all of the movements. Keep pushing yourself!


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