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October Athlete of the Month: Nick Monahan

Congratulations Nick, you are our October Athlete of the Month!

Nick has been a part of our NoCoast community for four years now and he’s one of our regulars at our 5:30am class. His consistency and hard work has kept him healthy and fit to enjoy the Colorado outdoors with his family. Nick enjoys spending the weekends in the mountains hiking, mountain biking, and skiing, which is what living in Colorado is all about!! 

Thank you, Nick for all of your love and support and for being a consistent presence in our community!

Quotes from Nick: 

“CrossFit has been a huge influence on my physical and mental well-being.  There is something meditative about the 5:30am routine that really helps me stay energized, sharp, and focused for the rest of the day.  If I miss a day during the week I definitely feel a bit off until I can get back in the swing of things.  I am very much a routine-based person so when I have something constant like CrossFit to rely on, that's when I am at my best.”

“CrossFit can be intimidating to people that have never done it before because there is a tremendous amount of skill required to actually do all of the movements.  But the best thing about CrossFit is that there is also a tremendous amount of support from the community and fantastic coaching that can help anyone be successful.  It's an amazing fitness regimen because it is infinitely scalable and can be tailored to anyone, regardless of their skill level.  If you put in the work you will undoubtedly see the positive impact it can have on your mind and your body.”

Age:  39

Athletic/Sports history/highlights: 

I did a bit of track and field in junior high but lived a very unathletic life until I moved to Colorado in 2012.  I met my wife and she has been a key motivator in helping me live a life where fitness is a priority.  Since then I have done CrossFit, ran a half marathon in 2019, climbed 45 14ers, ski all winter, and occasionally try to keep up with her on the mountain bike trails.

How long have you been CrossFitting?  

I started CrossFit in 2014 at CrossFit Profectus and was a member there until that gym closed during covid in 2020.  That was when I made the transition to NoCoast.

How did you get into CrossFit? 

My wife joined a CrossFit gym around the time that we started dating and she really liked it.  She convinced me to give one of the intro classes a shot and it totally kicked my ass!  I remember coming home and asking her "why in the world would you want to do that to yourself?"  I reluctantly signed up and struggled with it for a really long time.  I started with a very low level of fitness and had inconsistent attendance at first.  Every movement seemed almost impossible and I was constantly hit with "that's a no-rep Nick!" from the coach in WOD after WOD.  Eventually I learned to turn that phrase into motivation and began to dial it in.  I started to go consistently 3 days a week and discovered the joy of 5am sessions to find time to get the work in.  It has been a long journey since then but my fitness level is now the highest it has ever been and I can't imagine life without CrossFit.

What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement?  

I am a big fan of Murph.  I haven't done it too many times since I am usually on a camping trip over Memorial Day weekend but I like the grind of it.  I also spent six years in the Navy so I appreciate how the workout is a tribute to the heroic story of Lt. Murphy.

What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? 

Wall balls are something I could live without.  I have also been a bit sketchy with deadlifts the last few years due to some injuries.

What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?  

Watching my wife do power cleans around her belly when she was almost 9 months pregnant.  She worked out until the day before she gave birth to our daughter.  She is a total badass.

How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery?  

We tend to eat pretty healthy as a family but the most significant factor that has played into my fitness and recovery was when my wife and I stopped drinking 3 years ago.  It was incredible how much more energy I had, how much faster I recovered, and how much my appetite for fitness increased.  I have slowly built up to 5 days a week in the gym pretty consistently since then.  It's also easier to keep my body fresh for hiking, skiing, and mountain biking on the weekends.

How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness?  

CrossFit has been a huge influence on my physical and mental well-being.  There is something meditative about the 5:30am routine that really helps me stay energized, sharp, and focused for the rest of the day.  If I miss a day during the week I definitely feel a bit off until I can get back in the swing of things.  I am very much a routine-based person so when I have something constant like CrossFit to rely on, that's when I am at my best.

How has CrossFit changed your family? 

CrossFit has been a part of my family's routine for around a decade now and it doesn't look like it's slowing down anytime soon.  I remember CrossFit was a lifesaver during the covid lockdown months.  Our gym made the switch to classes over zoom and we looked forward to that every single day.  I have videos of my 3 year old daughter (at the time) doing air squats, situps, and lunges with us so she could be included in the fun.

Advice to new people:  

CrossFit can be intimidating to people that have never done it before because there is a tremendous amount of skill required to actually do all of the movements.  But the best thing about CrossFit is that there is also a tremendous amount of support from the community and fantastic coaching that can help anyone be successful.  It's an amazing fitness regimen because it is infinitely scalable and can be tailored to anyone, regardless of their skill level.  If you put in the work you will undoubtedly see the positive impact it can have on your mind and your body.


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