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September Athletes of the Month: Naomi Hernandez

Congratulations, Naomi! You are the September Athlete of the Month!!

Naomi is celebrating her first anniversary at NoCoast this month and we can’t even begin to say how proud we are of her growth as a person and as an athlete. Naomi’s training not only includes being fit for life, but she is also training to dominate the Biathlon and earn her spot on the Olympic team. We have been so impressed with all of her hard work, sacrifice, and commitment to her training. Naomi is also one of NoCoast's biggest cheerleaders, as she is the first to encourage and celebrate everyone else's accomplishments. Thank you for being such a positive light within our community, Naomi!

Quotes from Naomi:

“I can see the glaring difference in my physical strength gains; but just as importantly, the confidence and self esteem gains produced at NoCoast CrossFit. But the one thing that brings tears to my eyes are the new friends and genuine support I’ve received since joining NoCoast.”

“As I continue at NoCoast, in building who I am as a person, and competitive biathlete, I encourage others to not let their fears or anxieties stop them!”

As I approach my 1 year “Anni” of the genesis of my CrossFit journey, I can’t help but look back and thank God for His leading me to NoCoast CF gym. As a Federal LEO, long distance runner, and now competitive biathlete, it never dawned on me before to try CrossFit. I’ve lifted heavy sh*t for years, but nothing like what we do at NoCoast. My husband suggested that I try CrossFit. But it was a “no-go” for me at that time. Even with my prior training I didn’t think that I would “fit in” to the CrossFit Culture. Where did this impression come from? IDK, it was probably based out of my own fears and insecurities in my head.

I even had a few competitive cycling friends humbly suggest that I try CrossFit because they knew me, and that other boot-camp style classes just didn’t cut it for me. One night, I happened to stumble across a YouTube video about a Pro-CrossFit Athlete and the work that he put into his career. After viewing the absolute physical torture and mental fortitude he exerted through every workout, I was sold!! LOL

Almost 1 year ago, I timidly walked into NoCoast to talk to someone about how to get started in CrossFit. For my first 2 intro sessions, I felt like everyone was staring at me, and whispering, “What in the world is SHE doing in here? She doesn’t even know what a “Clean” is. Look at her!” But that was not the case at all. As with any other ventures I set out in life to pursue, where I had absolutely NO experience, I had to “swat away those mental flies,” and keep pushing through.

I’ve pushed through not only insecurity of new types of workouts because of physical weaknesses, injury, and even comparison, but I look back AGAIN, even today, and I’m so thankful I walked through the NoCoast front door.

Now, I can see the glaring difference in my physical strength gains; but just as importantly, the confidence and self esteem gains produced at NoCoast CrossFit. But the one thing that brings tears to my eyes are the new friends and genuine support I’ve received since joining NoCoast. Even in what I perceived as my worst workouts, like my first CF Open with wall walks (never in my life had I ever even seen this move), I could hear Natalya, Sam, and Macy screaming, “Let’s Go! You’ve got this!” And this wasn’t the only instance where I felt someone had my back! It's been such a beautiful exchange and evolution here!

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